Zhengzhou International Land Port
(China-Europe Freight Train)
source:Comprehensive Bonded Zone and Port Authority Updated:28/1/2024

  Zhengzhou International Land Port Project announced ——total area of around 50 square kilometers

  On January 15, Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone made the public announcement of Zhengzhou International Land Port plan via its official website, which shows the planning scope of the project covering a total area of around 50 square kilometers, with the layout to be organized according to the function of“seven zones in one port”

Zhengzhou International Land Port (China-Europe Freight Train)

  The project is located south of the Shangdeng Expressway, east of Yuzhou Avenue and west of Anluo Expressway, across Nanhai Avenue in the north-south direction and Qingzhou Avenue in the east-west direction.

Zhengzhou International Land Port (China-Europe Freight Train)

  The plan shows that the strategic positioning of the project is to build a world-class international railway hub port, a transport-trade-production innovation demonstration zone of the China-Europe Railway Express, and a pilot zone for high-quality development of port economy.

  Zhengzhou International Land Port storage plant has been completed. BYD vehicles just off the assembly line have entered the open-air warehouse in advance.

Zhengzhou International Land Port (China-Europe Freight Train)

  The development goals: By 2025, the core functional area of Zhengzhou International Land Port will be built at a high level; by 2030, the comprehensive service capacity and industrial driving force of Zhengzhou International Land Port will be fully improved ; and by 2035, it will be a world-class international railway hub port with global influence.

  Based on the spatial layout of the international land port and its site conditions, Zhengzhou International Land Port is generally organized and distributed according to “seven zones in one port”.

  Transport support system. Railway organization: the recent construction of the west line and the east line of the special railway connecting the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and the Lanzhou-Lianyungang Railway, and the long-term construction of the south line project connecting the planned Sanyang Railway, efficient access to the national railway network. Road organization: the planning of the formation of the “three horizontal and three vertical” expressway and “six horizontal and six vertical” main road system. Through highway and urban expressway network system, Zhengzhou International Land Port achieved the transportation spatio-temporal goal of 10 minutes on the highway, 20 minutes into the high-speed train, 30 minutes to the airport, and 60 minutes to contact the surrounding destinations.

  Phased implementation plan. The plan shows that in the near future (2023-2025), focusing on the basic function of the hub, the comprehensive operation area, the special operation area for automobiles and the core functional area of the surrounding land port will be developed. In the long term (2026-2035), the comprehensive operation area of the railway port will be developed.

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